We founded The Wonderlands Brand to put a fresh spin on apparel and merchandise in the music industry. We felt like it was becoming a bit stagnant, and there were certain expectations about band merch that we didn't like i.e. the long lines at shows, the lackluster designs, and the absence of visual coherence from music to the clothing.
We wanted to create a brand that people feel comfortable in, that also inspires the same sense of Wonder and Awe that we have while creating music. When we work in the studio, we often seem to focus on different colors, rhythms, and the need for space in the music so that it can breathe (daylight). We wanted our fans to feel like they had a piece of clothing that inspires them to do the same in every walk of life.
Simply put, The Wonderlands Brand is made for people with a mind open to exploring the beauty of the world around them. We wanted to create a community of people who believe the world is truly wonderful, because it is.
We hope you enjoy these clothes, and we love you.
— The Wonderlands Brand Team